Arch. Myriam B. Mahiques Curriculum Vitae

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Call for architectural visualisations of 10 dimensional space

Submission Guidelines
This project is a laboratory for ideas and the imagination. If you are interested in participating in this experiment please fill out the application information and return by email. You will then be notified as to how to proceed.
Collaborations between artists and scientists are encouraged. All applicants will need to do the necessary research into physics theory. All final visual design solutions will be submitted as PDF files. Three finalists will be chosen from all submissions. This is the first exploratory stage of the project. There is no honorarium at this time, nor any fees.


  1. Hola Myriam! Siempre me encanta pasar por tu blog. Ya he recomendado tu página a 2 chicas vecinas: 1 estudia diseño y la otra arquitectura. A las 2 les gustó mucho, espero que sea tus asiduas lectoras.

  2. Hola Norma, muchas gracias! Principalmente a vos por hacerte seguidora y lectora :) Como ves, hay distintas etiquetas, algunas son más para investigadores, pero siempre es lindo ver obras nuevas, y las grandes obras de la historia,
    Un beso,



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