Baño de libros. De
I´m inviting you to visit my brand new blog
As it has only one day and a night, it is still not visible at google or yahoo, but you can click from here or on the right side of this blog ¨blogs I follow¨. I will not be explaining the subject of books, because it is obvious for me somebody who visits me there, knows a lot about books, articles, etc. My intention is, as always, the analysis from an architect´s point of view -I do not belong to the field of literature- and also expose some interesting issues, anecdotes and stories that are not found on line. Like this blog, some posts are in English, some in Spanish. I think it is convenient when there is an excerpt that is important to show in the original language. Anyway, there is a translator on the right side bar. I hope you join me in this adventure!
As it has only one day and a night, it is still not visible at google or yahoo, but you can click from here or on the right side of this blog ¨blogs I follow¨. I will not be explaining the subject of books, because it is obvious for me somebody who visits me there, knows a lot about books, articles, etc. My intention is, as always, the analysis from an architect´s point of view -I do not belong to the field of literature- and also expose some interesting issues, anecdotes and stories that are not found on line. Like this blog, some posts are in English, some in Spanish. I think it is convenient when there is an excerpt that is important to show in the original language. Anyway, there is a translator on the right side bar. I hope you join me in this adventure!
Como sólo tiene un día y una noche, aún no está visible en los buscadores de google o yahoo, pero pueden clickear desde aquí o desde la barra derecha en este blog, en ¨blogs I follow¨. Yo no estaré explicando la temática de los libros, porque para mí es obvio que quien me visite allí, conoce mucho acerca de libros, artículos, etc. Mi intención, como siempre, es el análisis desde el punto de vista de un arquitecto -yo no pertenezco al campo de la literatura- y también exponer algunas cuestiones interesantes, anécdotas e historias que no se encuentran en las redes. Como en este blog, hay posts en inglés y otros en español. Pienso que es conveniente cuando hay un texto que es importante mostrarlo en su idioma original. De todos modos, hay un traductor en la barra derecha, esquina superior. Espero se unan a esta aventura!
Que bueno, este no lo habia visto, muy divertida la foto